The Science of Firearm Regulation
This is the one hundred and forty-third episode of Public Interest Podcast with Jen Pauliukonis, President of Marylanders to Prevent Gun Violence, former Maryland Chapter Lead for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, and a former high school educator who speaks about using data and science to support her legislative advocacy efforts to curb the evolving public health crisis caused by firearms.
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The Case for Firearm Regulation in Maryland
is an indisputable fact that guns fire bullets and that when bullets enter the
human body, one common result is the death of that person. Both gun rights
advocates and gun regulation advocates agree that gun violence is detrimental
to society and should be reduced. In essence, both groups wish to advance the
public interest by protecting the public’s health. The opposing groups only diverge
when it comes to their ideas of how society should go about trying to prevent
bullets from entering people’s bodies.
gun rights advocates argue that people kill people, essentially arguing that
guns are not lethal unless a person aims the gun and pulls the trigger. Gun
rights advocates believe that society will be safer if everyone were carrying a
gun at all times. The logic behind this sentiment is that violence will be
reduced because the lethal threat posed to would-be assassins, villains, and
thieves will act as a deterrent to acts of violence.
for increased firearm regulation make the case that fewer bullets will enter
bodies, thus ending lives, if there are fewer bullets, fewer guns, and fewer
individuals authorized to have guns in society.
even many gun rights advocates will acknowledge that there are reasonable
limits to the rights afforded to Americans by virtue of the Second Amendment.
Most gun rights advocates will acknowledge that it is unwise for a toddler to
have access to a firearm. It would be similarly inappropriate for a violent
felon to be permitted access to a firearm or for the average citizen to have
the ability to walk into the office with a shoulder fired missile launcher.
There are limits to what sort of firearms should be available to whom, where,
and when.
argument advanced by gun rights advocates does fail to address how the current
rash of suicides ought to be prevented since having more people own guns will
not provide a deterrent to suicide.
to Marylanders to Prevent Gun Violence, each year there are 11,000 gun
homicides in the United States and there are an additional 20,000 gun suicides
during those same 12 months. If death by bullets is something to be avoided,
then it might be argued that our society would be better off if the number of
suicides in this nation were reduced, even if the number of suicide attempts
were to remain constant.
turns out that more women than men attempt suicide each year but more men are
successful in committing suicide because men are more likely than women to use
a firearm to commit suicide, which is a more fatal method of executing oneself
than other methods. Reducing access to guns would not eliminate suicides, but
it is possible that it could curb the number of suicides since suicide attempts
are sometimes impulsive acts that are instigated by an acute crisis that could
be mitigated given time. Firearm regulation advocates argue that their proposed
policies would provide that gift of time and, for some, life.
2013 the Maryland General Assembly passed the Firearm Safety Act. This law
required individuals who wished to purchase a handgun to obtain a license from
the state prior to the purchase. Since the overwhelming majority of gun
violence is committed with handguns, partially because they are easier to
conceal, the law, which is not meant to inconvenience long-gun hunters,
specifically makes it more difficult to obtain a handgun. To obtain a license
one must first pass a gun safety course, submit one’s fingerprints to law
enforcement authorities, pay a $50 fee, wait for the license to arrive in the
mail, and upon purchase, one must register the gun in a statewide
this process will not prevent someone who already owns a handgun from
impulsively committing an act of gun violence, it will prevent someone from
quickly acquiring a gun to do the same. According to the Johns Hopkins Center
for Gun Policy and Research, requiring a license to purchase a handgun will
reduce homicides by 40% and suicides by 15%.
sum, advocates for increased firearm regulation present data that supports
their position. After all, they argue, if more guns made us more safe, then
Baltimore City would be one of the safest cities in America and it clearly is