Fake News Panel Discussion
The rise of ‘fake news,’ ‘alternative facts,’ citizen journalists, a 24/7 up to the second news cycle, social media news aggregators, and the decline of local, traditional press has lead to a drastically different media landscape than that which characterized journalism a generation ago. The First Amendment enshrines the Fourth Estate as an essential bulwark against overreaching government in America’s foundational documents. The Information Age has presented a new set of challenges to our democracy that has changed the function, delivery method, and consumption of news with widespread disagreement on basic facts that leads many Americans to talk past each other. At this time it is appropriate to discuss how citizens and the Media might find their way to Truth while seeking to advance the public interest.
WHAT: Panel Discussion, Live Podcast Broadcast (Open to the
WHEN: Friday May 19, 2017 / 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
1900 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036